CETA Core Business division has two distinct and interlinked departments to enable it to fulfil its mandate of facilitating and funding skills development in the construction sector.
The CETA Core Business performs the following functions:
The primary function of the CETA in relation to quality assurance is to monitor and audit the achievements of the CETA in terms of national standards and qualifications standards by performing the following:
Qualifications and Accreditation
Senior Manager: Dr. Shanell Israel
Specialists: Ms. Cecilia Nwose
Qualifications Development
Specialists: Ms. Annikie Phuti
Certification and Quality Assurance
Specialists: Mr. Masixole Sintu
Artisan Development
Specialists: VACANT
The Research, Planning and Reporting department is established under the Core Business of the CETA. The department is responsible for conducting research; developing the Sector Skills Plan (SSP) and career guides; analysis of Workplace Skills Plans (WSPs) and Annual Training Reports (ATRs) submitted by employers; and compiling Quarterly Monitoring Reports (QMR) submitted to the Department of Higher Education and Training.
The department is informed by the National Skills Development Strategy III Goal 4.1 which speaks to establishing a credible institutional mechanism for skills planning. The goal states the need for credible information and analysis with regards to the supply and demand for skills. The DHET has further emphasised the provision of credible information, analysis and signals on the demand and supply of skills as an important contribution to the establishment of the institutional mechanism for skills planning in South Africa.
Through the research conducted and various reporting mechanisms put in place, the Unit aims to ensure that the information produced through its strategic planning documents, remain relevant to both the Built Environment industry and the skills development needs of the country.
The CETA has developed a Strategic Research Framework informed by the Sector Skills Plan. In accordance with the Skills Development Act 1998 Section 10(1) (a) each SETA is required to develop a Sector Skills Plan (SSP) within the framework of the National Skills Development Strategy (NSDS). The purpose of a SSP is to:
The CETA has approved funding to conduct research in line with the research agendas approved by AA. This research agenda includes:
Skills Development Levy
The accounting policy for the recognition and measurement of skills development levy income is based on the Skills Development Act, Act No 97 of 1998, as amended and the Skills Development Levies Act, Act No 9 of 1999, as amended.
In terms of section 3(1) and 3(4) of the Skills Development Levies Act, 1999 (Act No. 9 of 1999) as amended, registered member companies of the CETA pay a skills development levy of 1% of the total payroll cost to the South African Revenue Services (SARS).
How to register for the Skills Development Levy (SDL)
Leviable amount
What happens to the SDL Levy?
The levies are distributed by SARS to SETAs as per the registration. The CETA in this case will then distribute a percentage of the levies received back to qualifying employers who meet the set criteria to receive Mandatory and/or Discretionary Grants. These grants are to be used for the implementation of skills development interventions
Mandatory Grants
In terms of the skills development grant regulations, a mandatory grant is a grant payable to levy paying companies upon submission of a Workplace Skills Plan (WSP) and Annual Training (ATR) Report by 30 April of each year. In terms of section 6(3) of the Regulations, the CETA shall pay back 20% of the total levies paid by the employer. Once evaluated and approved then the company receives their grants based on training completed in the previous years and planned for the new year.
If the company is a first time participant, then the company will only submit a Workplace Skills Plan as only planning can be completed in the first year of participation. In the following year, the new entrant will then be in a position to submit both the Annual Training Report and Workplace Skills Plan to CETA once approved, and then be liable to receive 20% of the Mandatory Grant allocation. What is not claimed by the levy paying companies is then transferred to Discretionary Grants.
The Skills Development Facilitator
As a mandatory requirement, an organisation is required to appoint a Skills Development Facilitator (SDF) to represent the needs of the organisation as well as communicate with the CETA. The prospective/new stakeholder can choose to either appoint someone internally (normally someone within a training and development role or Human Resources as their SDF. Stakeholders also reserve the right to appoint someone externally to provide this service.
The functions of an SDF are to:
An SDF can also assume the following roles:
It is paramount that each appointed SDF registers themselves onto the CETA Indicium System prior to the due date in order to familiarise themselves with the system and ensure a timely submission. The system is open by the 1st of February of each year and capacity building workshops are conducted per province on an annual bases in the same month.
The system can be accessed by using this link : CETA Indicium
Note that you need scanned copies of a Signed Letter of Appointment as an SDF (On Company Letterhead) and a Copy of your ID before you attempt to register as an SDF.
Discretionary Grants
This is applicable to companies that would like to implement priority training interventions as identified and advertised by the CETA based on PIVOTAL (Professional, Vocational, Technical and Academic Learning Programmes) programmes in the Annual Performance Plan (APP) and Sector Skills Plan (SSP).
Communication is advertised via the CETA website - www.ceta.org.za and major newspapers (such as the Sunday Times and City Press) on an annual basis to all CETA stakeholders and public on priority Skills Development projects that will benefit the Construction Sector.
The Unit oversees the review and update of the following strategic planning documents:
Senior Manager - Research, Planning and Reporting:
Ms. Dieketseng Maphela
Email: DieketsengM@ceta.co.za
The Learning Pathways and Quality Development department is established under the Core Business of the CETA.
The department’s core mandate is:
Functions of the Department
The primary function of the CETA in relation to quality assurance is to monitor and audit the achievements of the CETA in terms of national standards and qualifications standards by performing the following:
Qualifications and Accreditation
Senior Manager: Dr. Shanell Israel
Specialists: Ms. Cecilia Nwose
Qualifications Development
Specialists: Ms. Annikie Phuti
Certification and Quality Assurance
Specialists: Mr. Masixole Sintu
Artisan Development
Specialists: VACANT